About no-code automations

No-code integrations enable you to create steps in a quick and code-free way or perform a no-code action on data

No-code integrations

No-code integrations only require you to connect the app and configure the step.

How do I start with no-code integration in Next Matter
  1. Connect the app in Next Matter. You can do it in Automations library.
  2. When creating a workflow, click Add step > Integrations and select any available integration. All of the integrations there are no-code integrations.
  3. Configure the step providing the required values.

Next Matter actions

Next Matter actions are no-code steps that create an action in Next Matter. For example, you can use it to stop an instance of a workflow.

For details, see Next Matter actionshttps://help.nextmatter.com/docs/next-matter-actions

Quick actions

Quick actions enable you to perform a code-free action on a set of data. For example, you can format a date, compare values or complete a calculation.

Script actions


It's still a beta

We want this feature to be perfect and we're rolling it out step by step.

If you want to try it out, contact us using our chat widget.

Script action enables you to add custom code (currently: Node.js) to your workflow.

For details, see Add and run custom code