Create a low-code Google Sheet integration

Add and update rows with values or formulas to the worksheet. Nice and easy, little code required.


Currently only adding rows is supported.

Before you begin

In your Next Matter portal, go to Automations library, and click Connect in the Google Sheets (Low Code) app tile.

Integrate with Sheets

  1. Click Workflows > + Create new... > Create a new workflow and give your workflow a name. If you have a workflow ready, click ... > Edit workflow.
  2. Click + Add step and select Integrations > Google Sheets (Low Code).
  3. Click the step and click Configure integration.

Add row

  1. Select Add row in the Google Sheets action drop-down as is and select the spreadsheet you will be updating.
    Note that you need editor access to the spreadsheet to use it in the integration.

  2. Enter or select the worksheet name. This is the worksheet to which you want to add rows.

  3. In the JSON body field, enter the rows, names of columns, and values in the JSON format.

  4. When everything is correct, click Save changes.


The low-code Google Sheet integration steps produces the following data references, which you can use in the folowing workflow steps:

  • Error message (provides the error message)
  • Success (provides a boolean: True or False)
  • Output summary (provides all details of the step in JSON format)

Update rows

  1. Select Update rows in the Google Sheets action drop-down as is and select the spreadsheet you will be updating.
    Note that you need editor access to the spreadsheet to use it in the integration.
  2. Enter or select the spreadsheet and worksheet. This is the worksheet to which you want to update rows.
  3. In the Start with row field, enter the number of the row which should be the first one to update. We'll update values in this row, and, if specified in Body, the following rows.
  4. Enter Body. It might look like the following
    "Row1": {"ColumnName1": "Value1", "ColumnName2": "Value2"},
    "Row2": {"ColumnName1": "Value3"}

Note that Row1 or Row2 is only used for sequencing rows and are not the actual row numbers. For example, if you've entered 13 in the Start with row field then your Row1 changes will apply to row 13 in the worksheet and Row2 changes to row 14, etc.

  1. Save your changes.

JSON formatting

For the integration to work, you need to provide the Body in JSON format. For example, it might look like the following:

"Row1": {"ColumnName1": "Value1", "ColumnName2": "Value2"},
"Row2": {"ColumnName1": "Value3"}

Consider the following:

  • The names of the columns need to already exist in the sheet. If you try to add rows to an empty sheet, the step will complete but the sheet will remain empty.
  • The value can be a direct value or a formula, for example: =SUM(A1:A3).
  • If you leave the column name empty but will enter the value, the value will be skipped. In the example below, the Comment value will not be added to the sheet.
  • Make sure to number the rows so that all the values are transferred.
    The numbers define the sequence of rows (so row 1 should proceed row 2, and so on). If you're adding the following JSON:
    "Row1": {
        "Number": "ONE",
        "Name": "Blue"
    "Row2": {
        "Number": "TWO",
        "Name": "Yellow"

to a sheet where some rows already exist, the values will be added beneath the already existing ones.

  • If you use data references, make sure to wrap them in quotes, for example:
  "Row1": {"Name": "{Instance ID}"}


You can add variables to your step configuration. Variables are chunks of data that we take from the Response of the step and turn them into reusable items.

To know exactly which variables you can add to the step configuration, we recommend test-running the step and analyzing the response.

To get the response data:

  1. Run your workflow.

  2. Go to Workflows > Overview > Completed instances and click on the workflow to open it.

  3. Click on the Google Sheet (Low code) step.

  4. Scroll down to Status and expand Show details. The response might look like the following:

  5. Go back to your step configuration and create your variable in the step by clicking + Add a variable.

Here are the most common variables:

Variable nameValue
Added rows$.'Added rows'


Good to know: Check out our ready-made templates available when you add a step and select Templates > 3rd party templates. You can use the templates to create a set of pre-configured steps.
Need a specific template? Click the Contact us button in the top right of the page and let us know.