As an admin you can create and manage your Next Matter API keys and use Next Matter API to integrate with third-party systems.
Create an API key
If you have API keys that were generated for you by our Support team, they will show up on the list of active keys.
You can only create and manage keys if you're a Next Matter admin.
- Go to Company > Next Matter API keys.
- In the top-right corner, click + Create API key.
- Enter the name for the key and select the user that to whom the key will be assigned.
- (Optional) To set the expiry date for the key, select the Add expiry date checkbox and select the date and time. If the expiry date hasn't been set, the key will not have a default expiry date.
The date and time are displayed in the timezone of the browser.
- Click Create API key.
- Copy the key and click Done.
You can always update the expiry date for the key even if the key has already expired. Click Edit for the key and enter a new date.
Update a key
You can re-assign the key to another user or update the expiry date. To update the key, click the pencil icon and edit the data.
Delete or revoke key
To delete or revoke a key click the ... (three dots) to the right of the key data and select the action. Before you delete or revoke, ensure there is no integration using this key. Otherwise, the integration step will fail.
Once you revoke or delete the key, you can't activate it again.
Use Next Matter API
You will find the list of parameters for the Next Matter API calls here.
However, you can also browse code examples for specific use cases such as:
- How to complete a decision step using API
- How to upload a file
- Update an email-step or user-selection drop-down
- How to stop an instance
- How to select and delete instances
Note that not all the actions available in the UI are avilable in the API. For example, you can only edit a completed step or import conditions using the UI.
Custom credentials
To ensure credentials are secure and encrypted, and maintain compliance, we can store your organization's access credentials that you use for custom integrations in an encrypted database.
We can store the following credentials for you:
- Basic: username and password
- Bearer: token
- API key: API prefix and token
We don't support cretentials that use HTTP body or query parameters.
Custom credentials will be available to you in the Authorization dropdown when you configure your custom integration. You can provide a name for the credentials so that they are easily recognizable.

Contact us if you require to add or update custom credentials.
Updated 3 months ago