Integrate with GIPHY

Get a gif with a specified name.

  1. Click Workflows.
  2. Click + Add step, and select to create a custom integration step.
  3. Click the gear icon to configure the step. This step will get your GIF from GIPHY.
  4. In the Settings, enter the following details:
  • Call GET to the following URL:{Instance name}&api_key=KEY_VALUE&rating=g
    Tip: The instance name is a data variable you can pick by clicking {}. You also need to replace the API key value with your own key. See GIPHY documentation.
  • Leave the remaining fields empty
  1. Create a variable for the gif's URL with the value of $.data.images.downsized_medium.url.

  2. Create a custom integration step to get an embeddable URL of the GIF. To do so:

    1. Make sure you have Google Sheets set up in Automations library.

    2. Create a Custom integration step with the following settings:

      • Authorization: Google Sheets

      • Call PUT to the followingURL:!A1:A1?valueInputOption=USER_ENTERED&includeValuesInResponse=true

      • In Body, replace the image source data reference with your values:

               "majorDimension": "ROWS",  
               "range": "Sheet1!A1:A1", //leave as is
               "values": [  
                 [  'img src="{1. Get a GIF - GIPHY Query - URL (plain)}"' ] //this a data reference to the GIF fro the previous step 

        iii. Create a variable for the GIF with the value of $.updatedData.values[0][0].

  3. Save your changes.

  4. Create a step to show the GIF.