Quick scripts and API examples
Automate API calls and integrate them into workflows or applications, and get working examples for quick application.
Start instance and complete a step (script)
To automate workflows by creating workflow instances and completing steps within those instances, use the Python script below.
Use case: You can create a new onboarding workflow instance, automatically complete the first step (such as filling in the personal details), and move the workflow forward in Next Matter.
- The script creates an instance with process_id and tags.
The name is created automatically as per Next Matter settings.
- Uses the API endpoint: https://core.nextmatter.com/api/instances/
- Returns:
- Instance ID (for reference)
- Instance URL (for navigation)
- If an error occurs, it prints the error message.
- Fills the step with the required input data and marks a step in the workflow as completed.
- Uses the API endpoint: https://core.nextmatter.com/api/instances/{instance_id}/complete_step/
- Requires:
- Instance ID (to specify the workflow instance)
- Step ID (which step to complete)
- List of form fields ( with input data required for the step to complete)
If successful, shows a completion message.
# Next Matter API Key (Replace with actual API Key)
# Workfow and Step IDs (Replace with actual values)
# Next Matter API Base URL
BASE_URL = "https://core.nextmatter.com/api/"
# Headers for authentication
"Authorization": f"Api-Key {API_KEY}",
"Content-Type": "application/json"
def create_instance(process_id: str, tags: list = None):
Creates a new instance of a Next Matter workflow.
The name of the instance will be automatically created by Next Matter.
:param process_id: ID of the workflow to create an instance for.
:param tags: Optional list of tags to assign to the instance.
:return: Instance ID and Instance URL if successful, None otherwise.
url = f"{BASE_URL}instances/"
payload = {
"process": f"https://core.nextmatter.com/api/processes/{process_id}/"
if tags:
payload["tags"] = tags
response = requests.post(url, json=payload, headers=HEADERS)
if response.status_code == 201:
instance_data = response.json()
print(f"✅ Instance created successfully: {instance_data['id']}")
return instance_data["id"], instance_data["url"]
print(f"❌ Error creating instance: {response.text}")
return None, None
def complete_step(instance_id: str, step_id: int, actions: list):
Completes a step in a given Next Matter instance.
:param instance_url: URL of the instance where the step should be completed.
:param step_id: ID of the step to be completed.
:param actions: List of form fields (each containing an action_id and input_object).
:return: API response data.
url = f"{BASE_URL}instances/{instance_id}/complete_step/"
payload = {
"step_id": step_id,
"actions": actions
response = requests.post(url, json=payload, headers=HEADERS)
if response.status_code == 200:
print("✅ Step completed successfully.")
return response.json()
print(f"❌ Error completing step: {response.text}")
return None
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Example usage
instance_id, instance_url = create_instance(PROCESS_ID, instance_name="Test Instance")
if instance_url:
# Modify the form field list according to your workflow's requirements
actions = [
"action_id": 123456, # Replace with actual action ID
"input_object": {"inputValue": "Value 1"} # Key (i.e. inputValue) depends on the type of form field
"action_id": 789012, # Replace with actual action ID
"input_object": {"itemSelected": "Value 2"}
complete_step(str(instance_id), STEP_ID, actions)
Filter instances by max total runtime
You can use this API call to get filtered instances of a workflow. In the example below, we're filtering for all instances with a maximum total runtime of 50 seconds.
"count": NUMBER,
"next": null,
"previous": null,
"results": [
"id": ID_VALUE,
"name": "NAME_VALUE",
"status": "completed",
"public_url": null
"name": "NAME_VALUE",
"status": "completed",
"public_url": null
Here are some other examples of values to use:
- 01 09:30 - 1 day and 9 minutes and 30 seconds
- 02:30:00 - 2 hours and 30 minutes (and 0 seconds)
- PT50M - 50 minutes (as per ISO 8601 duration formats)
- PT1H30S - 1 hour and 30 seconds (as per ISO 8601 duration formats)
Updated about 1 month ago