List the instances of a given workflow, optionally filtered.
Filtering can be applied using the following query parameters:

  • name: All instances with the name containing this substring

  • ordering: Sorting by ascending or descending options: status, priority, ended_time, total_runtime, started_time. Use “-“ to sort in a descending manner, for example: -status

  • status: Use one of the options: running, completed, aborted

  • progress: With suffix _min or _max

  • active_step_id: Returns all instances of a workflow for which the step with the specified ID hasn't been completed and is currently active

  • priority: Use one of the options: V (Very High) or H for (High)

  • started_time: With suffix _after or _before

  • last_updated_time: With suffix _after or _before

  • deadline: With suffix _after or _before

  • step_deadline: With suffix _after or _before

  • aborted_time: With suffix _after or _before

  • completed_time: With suffix _after or _before

  • ended_time: With suffix _after or _before

  • total_runtime_min: Instance duration as '%d %H:%M:%S.%f' or ISO format

  • total_runtime_max: Instance duration as '%d %H:%M:%S.%f' or ISO format

  • tags: Name of the tag or tags separated by comma. Multiple tags are searched as OR condition.

  • page: For pagination.

Dates follow the ISO8601 format and UTC standard.
Page size is 100 by default, 500 maximum. To paginate, follow the standard usage of limit and page parameters.

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