Personal profile

Decide if and how you want to get notified about tasks or instances and manage your personal details and password.

To open your profile settings, click the icon in the bottom-left corner and then click Profile settings.

Update your profile picture

  1. To set or change your profile picture, in the profile settings click General.
  2. In the photo section, click Edit.
  3. Click Upload new photo.
  4. Select the picture you want to upload and click Open.
  5. Fit the picture to the window and click Use photo.
  6. Click Save changes.


If you decide to remove the picture, we'll show the first letter of your username as the avatar.

Update your password

  1. To set or change your password, in the profile settings click General.
  2. Click Send link to set password.
  3. Check your email account inbox. We'll send you an email to the email associated with your Next Matter account.
  4. Click the button in the email.


For security reasons, the reset link is valid for 3 days.

Set up notifications

Use the options available in the Profile settings > Notifications to set up your preferences. You can pick if you want to receive reservations by email or Slack, or both. If you pick Slack, you'll receive direct messages.

Note that Slack needs to first be set up by the admin for the entire company.

If you don't want to receive any email notifications from us, clear all checkboxes. This way, we'll only notify you about things that need your attention or tasks assigned to you using the Next Matter inbox.

Set up out of office notifications

Note that the setting only works for public workflows and instances.

  1. To set or change your profile picture, in the profile settings click Out of office.
  2. Select Activate out of office.
  3. Specify the start and the end date for the out of office. The end date is the last day you are away and unavailable.
  4. Select your stand-in. If someone assigns a task to you in your absence, the task will get delegated to the selected stand-in on step activation. The stand-in can be a specific person or a team.
  5. Click Save.

When the out of office is active, we will mark it with the yellow dot next to your avatar.

Note that only new tasks will be re-assigned. All the tasks that have been assigned to you before you activated out of office will remain assigned to you.

To deactivate out of office, clear the Activate out of office checkbox.


Note that the setting doesn't apply to tech leads - when an instance fails, the task will be automatically delegated to the set tech lead without any out-of-office check.