Integrate across tools
Next Matter is the common interface for all your team's tools. Explore our extensive integration capabilities.
No-code integrations
No-code integrations only require you to connect the app and configure the step.
How do I start with no-code integration in Next Matter
- Connect the app in Next Matter. You can do it in Automations library.
- When creating a workflow, click Add step, and select Email, Zendesk, or Google Sheets.
- Configure the step providing the required values.

Low-code integrations
Low-code integrations require you to connect the app, enter the API endpoint, and provide a JSON body with values.
How do I start with low-code integration in Next Matter
- Connect the app in Next Matter. Go to Automations library.
- When creating a workflow, click Add step > Templates > 3rd party templates.
- Select the template to add to your workflow.

Alternatively, you can connect the app, add an Integrations> Custom integration step, and enter the API call details yourself. In this case, select your integration in the Preconfigured integration dropdown.

API integrations
API integrations require you to authenticate with the 3rd party token, enter the API endpoint, and provide a JSON body with values.
How do I start with API integrations in Next Matter
You can connect with any tool that supports REST API. Depending on the API, you will need to authenticate your call using Basic authentication, an API token, or an API key.
When editing a workflow, add an Integrations> Custom integration step, and enter the API call details yourself. OR
When creating a workflow, click Add step > Templates > 3rd party templates and select a template to add to your workflow.
Is there an interaction you need missing from the list? Ask our Support for help (top-right corner)!
Updated 2 days ago