Data references

If you want a step to be based on the data entered in the previous step, set a dynamic data reference. Then the data you need will be automatically extracted and inserted where you need it. The data can also be sent to databases or systems within your organization.

About data references

Data reference is a dynamic placeholder in your workflow. When a step in the workflow is activated, the data reference will come from the information given in a previous step and be provided as a value.

For example, if someone enters their name in step one, step two might use a data reference in an email where the name that was provided in step one is used.

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Add a reference to form field

You can add references to form fields that are radio buttons, instructions, or drop-downs.

To do that:

  1. On the form screen, click the settings icon.
  1. Click the braces icon.
  1. Select the reference you want to add from the dropdown. The dropdown is organized so that you can see which data can be extracted from which step.
  2. Click Save changes.


When you use data references to transfer images or files(for example from one form to another), make sure you're using the same form fields. For example, if you uploaded an image with an image upload form field, and you want to pupulate a form with a data reference of this image, make sure you're populating an image upload form field, too. Trying to populate a file upload form field with an image data refrence might cause errors on step completion. Likewise, using a file form field data reference to fill in an image form field won't work.

Use data references in complex scenarios

You might use data references when you integrate with external tools and want to send data to the tool and extract the information back later, or send data from one process to another.

You can also define your own data references based on response values (for example a sum of a calculation) available in an external tool.

Find IDs to reference form fields or steps

Get the step ID
  1. In your left-hand navigation, click the Workflows icon.
  2. Hover over the follow-up workflow and click on the menu icon.
  3. Click Edit workflow.
  4. Click the step to which you'd like to send data.
  5. Copy the step ID. It's the last number in the URL you see in your browser.
Get workflow ID

You can get the ID by clicking the workflow and copying the number from the URL in your browser.

Get the form field ID
  1. In your left-hand navigation, click the Workflows icon.
  2. Hover over the follow-up workflow and click on the menu icon.
  3. Click Edit workflow.
  4. Click the step to which you'd like to send data.
  5. Click the ID icon for the field to which you want to copy data.
  6. Copy Form field ID.