Field validation

Validate text patterns using regular expressions or allowing only numerical input

Regular Expressions (Regex) are sequences of characters that define a search pattern in text. You can use them to validate text based on complex criteria and match common text patterns like phone numbers and IP addresses. Regular expressions are both flexible and powerful, capable of matching virtually any text-based pattern you might want to include in a form.

If you don't want to check for specific patterns but want to narrow down inputs to numbers, you can enforce this validation by allowing only numbers in the input field. This will narrow down possible errors when providing postcodes, identifiers, or bank account numbers.

Validation for date input

You can control what type of input is allowed in a date field. This is useful when, for example, the date should be after the instance start time or up to 5 days before a deadline.

Key considerations:

  • You can define multiple validation rules for each date field.
  • When a step containing one or more Date fields is completed, the entered dates are checked against the configured validation rules.
  • The Before and After operators include the current date. This means "before" includes today and earlier, and "after" includes today and later.

Validation of short text fields

When you create your form, you can decide what type of field input is allowed. To help you eliminate possible input errors, you can decide to enable field validation for the short text fields.

Based on the type of input you expect, you can also create a customized message users will see when they provide incorrect data.


For limitations in the supported regular expressions, see Syntax (external page).
You can use this external page to test if your expression is correct.

Common regex examples

InputExpressionValidationInput matchExample of validation message
IBAN^[A-Z]{2}\d{2}[A-Z0-9]{11,30}$Checks for IBAN structure (no spaces, no lowercase letters, between 15 and 34 characters in total)DE89370400440532013000
The IBAN has an incorrect format
German IBAN^DE\d{2}\d{8}\d{10}$Ensures the IBAN follows the structure for German accounts and is 22 characters longDE89370400440532013000
Ensure this is a German IBAN
Supplier identifier^[A-Z]{2}\d{6}$Ensures that the identifier follows the pattern of 2 uppercase letters followed by exactly 6 digitsNL336789
This is not a correct identifier
Postcode^\d{5}$Checks for 5 digits85774
Ensure the code has five digits
Value greater than 0.00^([1-9]\d*(\.\d{1,2})?|0\.[1-9]\d?)$Check whether the value is greater than 0.00 2.54
Enter a value greater than 0.00
Positive value or 0^(0|[1-9]\d*)(\.\d{1,2})?$Check whether a value is a positive number or 0. Allow decimals.0.12
Enter a positive value or 0
Email addresses with a specific domain^[a-zA-Z0-9._%+-]+@mycompany\.com$Validates email addresses that end with ""[email protected]
[email protected]
This is not the correct domain
Price format with a comma for decimal and dot for thousands^[1-9]\d{0,2}(\.\d{3})*(,\d{2})?$Validates European-style formatted numbers with optional thousands separators and exactly two decimal places1.234,56 or 1.234.567,89
Enter the price separating thousands with a point


Note that the operation doesn't support Pearl syntax in the editor. This means that look-around expressions such as: (?=...), (?!...), (?<=...), or (?<!...) are not supported. This refer to all positive and negative lookahead expressions and positive and negative lookbehind expressions.