Add and run custom code

Add a code script to your workflow and bridge the gap between standard automation capabilities and bespoke business requirements.

Code steps allow you to fully customize your workflows and tailor them to meet the needs of your business.


It's still a beta

We want this feature to be perfect and we're rolling it out step by step.

If you want to try it out, contact us using our chat widget.

Benefits of using the custom code:

  • Custom scripts: Write JavaScript to run custom logic or operations not supported by standard Next Matter integrations.
  • Data transformations: Transform, format, or modify data from previous workflow steps to meet specific requirements.
  • Variable support: Use variables to store and re-use data within your scripts
  • Data references: Quickly find and add data references from previous steps to your script

Add Node.js code

  1. In your workflow editor, click + Add step.
  2. Select Integrations > Quick action.
  3. Click Configure.
  4. Click the Quick action operation field and select Node.js script.
  1. Enter your script as a string making sure it returns results in JSON format. Note that we automatically wrap the code in async function so that you can use keywords such as await and execute code that doesn't block the main thread.
  2. (Optional) In Select data to reuse, you can select result to use as a variable in later steps.
  3. Save your changes.


Currently we don't highlight or format code.