Dynamic dropdowns | Video

Learn how to get data from a database or external sheet into Next Matter and build dynamic drop-downs with the data.

Workflow builder

PostgreSQL integration

In this tutorial we're getting data from a table in PostgreSQL, using the data to build a dropdown, sending an external user an email step with the link to the drop-down to make a selection, and sending them a confirmation email with the selected item specified.


The drop-downs are dynamic so when new items are added to the PostgreSQL table, they will be reflected in the dropdown.

Google Sheets integration

In this tutorial we're getting data from a table in Google Sheets, using the data to build a dropdown. The dropdown is dynamic, which means that any change to the Google Sheets will result in a change in the dropdown when a new instance is run.

The URL we're calling is: https://sheets.googleapis.com/v4/spreadsheets/1J5F8TzXhLJ2V9rpRoAVG5ppBTbh74sdeodXJ6mO3Hrg/values/TEST!A2:B100/ and contains the sheet ID, name and range. For details, see Connect with Google Sheets.

Good to know: JSON format

The source of a dynamic drop-down needs to be a JSON list.

A JSON list (array) contains zero, one, or more ordered elements, separated by a comma. The JSON array is surrounded by square bracketsΒ [ ]. Each element is in double quotes.


Note that when you have a key=value pair (["name":"John"]), we'll only display the value in the dropdown.

When you create a dropdown from, for example, Google Sheets, using a data reference, make sure to select the data reference in (json) format.

Lists for dynamic dropdowns

When you want to create a dynamic dropdown from a JSON list, and you're creating a variable to refer to this list that you later use as a source of the dynamic dropdown, make sure you use [*] in the variable value.
For example, $.mylist[*]. This will ensure the list is parsed correctly.