Input fields: text, date, email, address, instruction, URL

Input fields can be customized and prefilled for users to make form completion quick and effortless.


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This form field can be useful when asking users to provide a name or a short summary of a problem for a bug report. You can add validation, user tooltips and prefill the field for the user.

This form field can be useful when you want users to provide a description. You can configure the field name and placeholder, and create a tooltip for users which shows when they hover over the info icon next to the field name. The tooltip provides additional help and can define what type of input is expected.

This form field doesn't require any user input but allows for adding workflow or step-related instructions. You can use this step to add data references and pull information from other steps to this step or send it on to external tools. You can also attach files or images to your instructions.

This form field allows users to select a date from a calendar. The date has this format: Tue, Nov 19, 2024. Tip: If you need the date to be in a different format, add an instruction field, select the date input as data reference and use the cog wheel next to the reference to change the date format.You can also add validation rules for the field input.

This form field asks users to provide an email address. You can defice on the maximum and minimum number of characters that users can provide. We are checking if the email format is correct.

This form field asks users to provide their address: city, street and zip code.You can also define a tooltip for this field, which offers additional help for the users. The tooltip shows when users hover over the info icon next to the field name.

This form field asks users to provide a URL. You can prefill this field for the users.

Add tooltip to field

You can add extra information to help users provide the right input. The information will show when users hover over the info icon next to the field name.

Complete a form using API

You can update field data and complete a form using API. To see examples of the JSON body you need for each form field, see Completing steps.