Use cases: forms

See how form fields can be used in practice.


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Build a reimbursement form

To build a reimbursement form, when users input several entries you can use either:

  • A table
  • Short text forms with conditions

Use a table

  1. In your workflow, add Form as a step and add Table as a new form field.
  2. Configure the table headers to display the information for the reimbursement. The data can either come from an external source or be a 2D array.
  3. Select the option that enables users to add rows.
  1. Add the Image upload form field if you want users to upload images.

Your table will look like the following and the users will be able to add rows and fill in the content.

Use conditional fields

  1. In your workflow, add Form as a new step and add several Short text fields. You can configure the fields to require reimbursement details.

  2. For the field where sum is provided, make sure to add the Allow only numbers validation and allow decimals.

  1. Add the Image upload field so that users can upload their invoice pics.
  2. Add the single choice dropdown field to ask users if they want to add more invoices.
  1. Duplicate the reimbursement form fields and create conditions on each of the fields to only show if the user selects to add more invoices.
Upload 50+ files to a form

Normally the file upload form field allows you to upload a maximum of 50 files (and 50 MB per file). If you require to upload more, you can create multiple upload fields and show them based on conditions.
Watch the video for details.